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Tournament Help


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So to keep it simple, I've played three games. But a LOT of other tabletop games, so I dont need basic or tourney advice in general.


Two were demo style and one was a points match. The game with 4 objective markers. I ended up winning but barely.


Im going to an official tournament at a convention soon. Not just for fun games....I won't know anyone and I'm sure their armies will be maximized. Mine, will not.


Basically to maximize mine,  I'd have to spend another $100 and I dont know if I feel like it. I just dropped $300 this week alone on gaming stuff and I have another few hundred in purchases Im considering soon. It just seems rushing in more money where I know I wont win is pointless.


Here are the rules: http://www.adepticon.org/wpfiles/2017/2017aosvanguard.pdf


I have the Icewind Assault box set and thats probably as far as I will go. I know from looking and from reading and being told that I should add more Mournfang and my personal idea is to add some Savage Orruks for a nice line of sustainable troops and to add numbers.


Im conflicted but I think Im just going to use my box set this time.


Any and all advice and army building ideas are fine. Shoot. 

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