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New to Nurgle Daemons


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I've been looking at Nurgle Daemons as I really like the models. I know they might not be the cutting edge in terms of competitiveness but my club is only casual-competitive so I should do fine on that front.

I'm happy with my 1K expansion of the Start Collecting so I was wondering if I'm doing good with my somewhat more esoteric 2K list?


Great Unclean One

    - General, Lord of War, Chaos Talisman

(Essential for the Tallyband and just generally useful, plus I was lucky enough to nab an Ultraforge Greater Plague Demon for a decent price!)


(Just an awesome force multiplier and I like the crusty look of the model)

Herald of Nurgle

    - Chaos Talisman

(Pretty much just being an escort for...)

3 Bile Trolls 

3 Bile Trolls

(These guys just seem really good for the points and essentially have the Tallyband ability built in. Will probably have 3 Forgeworld Models and 3 modified Fellwater Troggoths, I'll have the Nurglings spare for that) 

20 Plaguebearers

10 Plaguebearers

10 Plaguebearers

(Pretty standard Nurgle Daemon core, the larger unit acts as an anchor while the two smaller ones act as screens for the Trolls)

3 Plague Drones

(Always useful to have a fast, flanking unit. Although it'll be tricky to have them in range for the Locus but with Epidemius' buffs going they can still pull their weight. Speaking of which, how to get the tally count up?)

2 Plagueclaw Catapults

(A great way to up the tally, thin out hordes and generally give a bit of ranged punch to the list. Again spare Nurglings will help with keeping the models in theme)

Tallyband of Nurgle

(Well you knew this was coming, no need to expand on why this is good)


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7 hours ago, shadowgra said:

Cool ideas !

I would suggest u a thing: what about doing an unit of 6 throlls, so that u can use the inspiring presence on one unit and leave the other to his fate?

Also a single unit is better for the lord of war buff :)

Yeah, I'll have a play around with which arrangement is better. I have a feeling that a unit of 6 is probably the better call and as they only need a hero within 14" to not be dumb it'll give me a bit more leeway in trying to proc the Locus on the Drones.

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