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Hi I'm Brother D, you may remember me from other forums and the twitterz

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Hi all,

How fortuitous I was having a conversation just last week on how there was something of a forum void after the launch of AoS. Warseer is just the same 5 people bitching to eachother, B&S is excellent but 40/30k focussed, Warhammer.org is fairly quiet and Ulthuan basically died.

I've been around since '98, first playing Empire in 5th, then branching out to High Elves in 6th. These days I've been spending most of my time on 30k, and I still play 8th from time to time. Forums have been integral to my Warhammer experience since the WPS forums and Portent. Lately I've been an avid podcast listener as well (Bad Dice, Heelanhammer, Garagehammer, and the sadly departed Dwellers Below on the fantasy front).

So, thanks for kicking this into gear, and let's talk some hammer!

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