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Seraphon vs stormcast

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Last week at my local GW I played 50 wounds of seraphon vs 50 of stormcast. The guy I was playing only had his prime so he borrowed the stores starter models for the rest.  I used Slann, chameleons, bastiladon, Warriors, and salamanders.  We basically just said one hero each and I fit my bastiladon to bridge the gap in wounds differences. 

I knew the longer prime was off the board he wound do a ton of damage. So game plan was to be super aggressive.  

Turn one one I summoned another bastiladon and ten more chameleons. My first chameleons popped up behind his his retributors. My summoned bastiladon was within shooting range.  One unit of liberators went down. His turn one he came after me. 

Turn two retributors and prosecutors were defeated. I think at this point I lost some warriors but my salamanders and bastiladon were doing all the heavy lifting. 

Turn three prime came down. Between showing up and doing his attacks, both bastiladons lost some wounds and lost I think a salamander. He did land in range of all my attacks so turn three was to take out the prime. With two bastiladons and five salamanders this was an easy task. 

Turn four I had two bastiladons, Slann, five chameleons and four salamanders left. My opponent had one unit of five liberators and one prosecutor model left. He decided to concede. 

All ll in all it was interesting. Never played against the prime before. I think had he had his army so he could have had star maces etc this would have been a longer game. But we both had a good time 

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