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Custom Warscroll Ideas


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After discovering Runebrush's excellent Warscroll Designer, I've been having fun thinking up new unit options for Death and putting them together as Warscrolls. Might use them for casual Open games or the odd bit of Hinterlands now and then.

I figured I'd post them up here for everyone's perusal, and for suggestions on what points costs you'd assign to them. I wanted to try and make them work with existing models in ways that offer slightly-different playstyles, so let me know what you think! First up, Nighthaunt:

The Revenant King was intended as a new General option, one more tailored to Nighthaunt. He can be built to be pretty tanky with the damage output of a Cairn Wraith, or can do a bit more damage. They also would work well as just a Hero, really. Aesthetically I modelled him on my Vamp Lord with Wings kitbash:

Vengeful Legions are basically a Nighthaunt Battleline. They have fairly decent hitting power, but a lot of survivability given their Ethereal status. They'd work as a tarpit unit, and small units of 10 would be pretty handy objective babysitters. I imagined them looking like ghostly Empire Militia in terms of actual models:

This unit I thought would be quite interesting, the Will O'Wisp. I like the idea of a unit that can toy with an opponent's movement and pull forces out of position, and also float away in the movement phase afterward. It could help set up a nice charge, especially if comboed with the Shade below. The unit itself is fragile though, so if it's caught it'll go down easy. This would look like a faint, glowing wisp of light,  I was imagining it with a scenic tree bade and some OSL or LED work:

The Shade is a debuff Hero unit, it'd look similar to a Cairn Wraith but more of an insubstantial ball of rags; a faded, forgotten wisp of a soul. It combo beautifully with the Banshee and the Will O'Wisp above, and overall could make Battleshock very unpleasant. However, its damage output is awful and it's pretty fragile, so an opponent could put an end to its shenanigans if-needed:

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For Soulblight, I mainly focused on infantry units. First up are Thralls. They're trash. Their Bravery is awful, they have no real save, and no regeneration ability.  If you have some Vamp Heroes nearby, they might do alright, but ultimately they're just fodder for your Vampire Lords and an occasional snack. They'd look like peasant farmers and other downtrodden folks, with maybe a hint of unsettlnig cannibalism and macabre to them:

Blackblood Rangers were a ranged unit idea I had. They would be at home sneaking around in cover, or darting around between them. They're pretty hardy and their damage output is alright, especially against units with terrible or no saves. The main advantage they'd bring is that they can "mark up" enemy units for charging with their arrows, which are designed to cause horrendous bleeding. I'd imagine them being cloaked in black with large longbows, like woodland hunters who hunt bipedal prey:

Sanguine Swords are of a similar vein - punpunpun - and would basically operate as dismounted Blood Knights. They're fairly hardy and can hit like a freight train if properly buffed, a unit of these with the Vamp Lord's Command Ability could scythe through entire units. However their regen isn't great, and their save is nothing special, so if something gets the drop on them it could really hurt them. I kinda modelled them as Grave Guard on 'roids, haha:

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The penultimate faction was Deathrattle, who I actually feel are fairly well-rounded as they are. I had a couple of ideas, but it was hard to think of stuff that wasn't just, "like X but no skin."

First up was the Bone Shamblers. These are basically Ogre-tier units designed for beating up hordes. They have a nifty ability to mitigate attacks coming at them, and can output a fair bit of damage. With a Wight King or Vamp Lord in tow they could put a nasty amount of hurt onto an enemy unit. They'd visually be like a mass of skeletons, weapons and corpses all reanimated as a horrific entity, with their slain victims forming togeher to join them:

The Grave Rangers were a fairly simple idea, basically Grave Guard with crossbows. They're potent against targets in Cover, and could put out a fair few shots if a Wight King buffs them. I can see them being more of a support unit, sniping Heroes or picking off stragglers ready for the Skeleton Warriors to finish the job. Nice thing is that you could turn the Grave Guard kit into a combo-kit for this by adding a sprue of crossbow arms and some alternate helmets, etc:

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And finally, Deadwalkers. Without deviating from the Zombie theme, it's tough to really add to this one. I feel GW wrote themselves into a lot of corners when they wrote up the factions, but at least they're breaking out of it now. 

First off, the Fleshknitter. An alternate Necromancer, basically, that brings magic and a little regen, with a nasty debuff spell. Bear in mind that 1 slain model includes things like Dire Wolves, or Ogor Zombies below. I'd say he ransk just below a Necromancer, probably on par with a Tomb Herald, perhaps. Aesthetically he'd be cut from the same cloth as a Necromancer, so a conversino would work:

Ogor Zombies are something that I'm kinda sad we haven't seen yet. Imagine how much of a bunch of hungry, hungry hippos these guys would be! These guys with buffs could be decent damage dealers, are fairly tanky and can tie units down with their Inescapable rule. Might give them Rend -1 on their attacks as Deadwalkers don't really get that, but they get Mortal Wounds so I dunno. Aesthetically they'd be exactly what they say on the tin: Ogor Zombies:

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I've been really getting into night haunt lately! Heres a big non-mourngul centerpiece I think they could really get some use out of. I think that Hex Wraiths are over costed, and could become nighthaunt battleline, while spirit hosts play a more elite role, especially with this unit's command ability. Use the Coven Throne model, but build it with some parts of the mortis engine, such as the back framing with no curtain.


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