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Regular humans on Dracoth


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Has anyone tried to put a regular human on a Dracoth? I am interested in putting a Freeguild General on one but I'm not sure if it would work. It looks like the legs are already attached to the sides of the Dracoth on the sprue – how does the size of the rider compare to a regular human? Will I have too big of an ugly space on the model to cover up with human rider legs if I cut off the Stormcast legs? Could I get away with using the Stormcast legs with a regular human torso?

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Stormcasts are way taller and bulkier than humans, like terminator compared to a cadian if youre more familiar with 40k.

Even if you shave off the legs on the Dracoth's sides, it would take a hugeass human to even ride a dragon, atleast legwise. And no, I dont think youd get away with stormielegs and human body :P hed have pretty huge boots then, half the size of the humie.

If you want a Dracoth for Freeguild, Id probably just stick a bare head on the stormcast body and just say hes just done his training better than the average guy :D 

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Or that he's a renegade Stormcast who  turned his back on his Stormhost to lead this group of regular humans in their struggles.  Maybe he does this because these humans were his particular tribe/village/whatever and he won't be parted from them, even by a god.  Or maybe  he's watched tomy of his brothers fall and come backs as shells of their former selves and fled because he thinks Sigmar is careless with the lives of the Stormcast.  So he quested to find some artifact that hides him from Sigmar's view.

But in the back of his mind, he fears death more than most Stormcast because he's not sure if he will be zpped back for reforging upon his death... or worse, he will, and he'll have to face Sigmar's wrath.

Bam.  A Stormcast character more interesting and possessing more depth than any  portrayed in the fluff thus far.

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(warning never painted/converted a dracoth) What about shaving the legs close to the body, then creating a small 'station/platform' for your general to stand on. Then connect that platform to the dracoth on both sides.(make it look like thick leather belts or something) That way you can hide the stormcast legs and us a standing general. I think it might even make the Dracoth more impressive but it will take some work though. If you ever start that project keep us up to date :)


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