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I'm Kieran and I'm a orrukaholic (currently)


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Hi there people,

Im Kieran from the Cheltenham Warchiefs and I'm a Orrukaholic. (Currently.....)

Been playing GW games for 30 odd years though this tapered off around the turn of the century and despite forays into the local GW store in Gloucester it wasn't until I happened upon the Cheltenham Warchiefs a couple of years ago did I really get my hobby mojo back. 

Im a big fan of destruction having switched to orruks in December last year so these new releases are really going down well, however my life long love has been undead and so have acquired a large box of minis and Lord Sangfroid is going to be amassing his red menagerie to unleash on the mortal realms later in the year. 

Happy to play anyone so if your in the area or willing to travel a bit on a Monday night to Cheltenham let me know!



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Well, Death and Destruction were once both allies of Sigmar... So I shall tolerate your existance.
Ha ha ha, welcome to the forums mate. (In case you can't tell, I play for Order (Stormcasts))

Although I will readily admit that the new Orruk models look amazing!

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