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1K Destruction list around Bonesplitterz


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I am starting to build a Bonesplitterz army but before going pure I am trying to make some core and test it with other O&G units I already have.

Here is a list I am thinking to build:


Orruk Warboss (140)

- General

- Great Waagh! Banner

- Warboar

- Trait: Bellowing Tyrant

- Artefact: Talisman of Protection

Savage Big Boss (100)

- Artefact: Battle Brew

Maniak Weirdnob (100)


Savage Orruks x 10 (100)

Savage Orruk Arrowboys x 30 (300)

Moonclan Grots x 20 (120)

Grot Fanatics x 2 (60)


War Machines


Kunnin' Rukk (60)

Total: 980/1000

The idea is to build the main for e arround Arrowboys, boosting them with belowing Tyrant and weirdnob spell. To cover them 10 savages that can be boosted by banner+waagh!

Extra moves from Destruction battle trait and kunnin Rukk. Also extra shooting in the herophase.

Moonclan with nets (6) hand weapons for taking safe objectives, and fanatics to stoping charges on the little fellas.

I was always affraid of bucket of dice against my army, so havin 90x 4+, 4+ twice a turn seems quite decent revenge. It has to kill;) WAAAGH!

Any opinions appreciated

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