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Knight of Ruin

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I'm Knight of Ruin, sometimes known as Peter. I live i Norway and started with AoS last summer.

I have never played WFB, but I have been an avid 40k collector. When the misses said she wanted to try AoS I got my excuse to spread the love of Chaos ;)

For now I'm trying to build an Everchosen army, based around the idea of chaos united under Archaon but still separate. So I try to build 1-2 units and 1-2 heroes per God which I can put together when fielding archaon. But being a student keeps purchases well in check.


I have been searching for a the place where people share my positivity with AoS and I get the feeling I found it here. 


For the glory of Chaos! (And the ironjawz because they look sweet!)

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