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VMC paint for basecoating sand-coloured cloaks?


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I'm away from my paints right now, but when I get back to the UK in October, I will be starting on my desert-dwelling Wanderers. They will be wearing mostly deep blues, but with sand-coloured cloaks and hoods. Now, I don't have the right shade of darkish sandy brown to basecoat the cloaks as yet. Citadel's XV-88 looks to be about right, albeit maybe a bit too red / not quite yellow enough. And it's a Base paint so it should have decent coverage (I always undercoat black). But I'd honestly prefer to use a Vallejo Model Colour paint if there's one similar to XV-88 but slightly more yellow and with good coverage (over black). I don't trust the Vallejo colour charts, and the Dakkadakka equivalence chart doesn't list a VMC equivalent to XV-88. Does anyone know which VMC paint would be worth trying?

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