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How to expand the army??


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I would like an advice. I just started to collect stormcast. I am new to AOS in general. I am goint to expand the army but it seems a road with a lot of paths. I have soul warsand bought one box of Libs. I have in mind some playstyles : 1) vanguard , which I have to start all over with a box, 2) focus on sarcosanct and cleansing phalanx, 3) maybe skyborne, 4) kitty cats, 5) just some mixed playstyle with a little shooting, heavy infantry like retributors and a fast unit of Dragothian duard. I like the fact that the army is flexible but it costs a lot of $$$. I ve already order a celestant on stardrake (badass model) and I ve got a Lord-Celestant.

Thanks for any help!!!

Edited by Thanos-se
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Dracothian for punch line or mobility? I am between Concussors and Desolators. The second choice must be deployed in 6 for more output damage which costs points. I am thinking also Prime for mobility. He can descend anywhere in the battlefield , he flies move and run any roll he wishes. Also he can charge and block a unit if u wish . He is a multi tool.

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A list with 8desolators took 10th place out of 50 players, goldcon '21 tournament, only problem you might have is the money if you want 4box of dracothian guard XD, 1unit of concussor instead is enough on most cases.

Also they aren't used so much, new battletome and 3rd edition coming, is much safer to go for 1/2units max and test them.

Edited by baiardo
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18 hours ago, Thanos-se said:

Dracothian for punch line or mobility? I am between Concussors and Desolators. The second choice must be deployed in 6 for more output damage which costs points. I am thinking also Prime for mobility. He can descend anywhere in the battlefield , he flies move and run any roll he wishes. Also he can charge and block a unit if u wish . He is a multi tool.

It's either 3 boxes of Dracothians or 2 boxes of Evocators on Dracolines imo. Their base sizes are the same, so in casual play I think you can get away with proxying Dracolines for Dracothians or vice vesa.  

If you can still get hold of the Exorcism Soulstrike box at normal prices, the latter will be far more $$-effective. The Dracolines do more damage, move faster, have innate re-roll charges, but are more squishy. 

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