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Newb Building First Army - StD and Nurgle Combo

Panda Harbinger

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Hey everyone! Absolute noob to Warhammer and miniatures here. I'm looking to build a Slaves to Darkness and Nurgle combination and looking for some advice and ways to make it viable. I love Death Knights in WoW and wanted to build an army off of that concept, so I started with the StD SC kit for some "Death Knight" guys and I am going to start in on painting the Great Unclean One as a Patchwerk Abomination for the army. Any thoughts or ideas on how to keep building the army while maintaining that Death Knight concept? It's my first time painting miniatures, so I'm still learning quite a bit and loving it!


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28 minutes ago, Homer72 said:

Hello, great idea. That is a very good paint job. If you want to have more abominations you could take also beasts of Nurgle, Chaos spawns or maybe horticolous slimux. Do you want to play or (just) built and paint?

List building is another matter then.

It started as just painting and building, but by doing that it makes me want to play them! I'm sifting through the rules trying to learn it all.

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14 hours ago, Panda Harbinger said:

Hey everyone! Absolute noob to Warhammer and miniatures here. I'm looking to build a Slaves to Darkness and Nurgle combination and looking for some advice and ways to make it viable. I love Death Knights in WoW and wanted to build an army off of that concept, so I started with the StD SC kit for some "Death Knight" guys and I am going to start in on painting the Great Unclean One as a Patchwerk Abomination for the army. Any thoughts or ideas on how to keep building the army while maintaining that Death Knight concept? It's my first time painting miniatures, so I'm still learning quite a bit and loving it!


First off, you might call yourself a noob at miniatures... but that’s a stellar paintjob. That looks amazing. 

How do you envision your army playing? 
because with slave to darkness models you can go in many directions. Nurgle less so, but it all does work together nicely. 

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8 hours ago, Kramer said:

First off, you might call yourself a noob at miniatures... but that’s a stellar paintjob. That looks amazing. 

How do you envision your army playing? 
because with slave to darkness models you can go in many directions. Nurgle less so, but it all does work together nicely. 

Thanks! I've just been watching a ton of tutorials to help me as I go lol. 

As far as how I envision my army playing, I'm still not totally sure. I'm trying to learn the ins and outs of the game, but I'm as new as new can be to Warhammer miniature games, so it gets a little confusing as to where to start learning and all of that. The only minis I have committed at this point would be the StD guys and the GUO. I read that if I go Maggotkin Nurgle I should get a Harbinger of Decay, but not sure how to make that mini fit the concept I'm going for. I'm pretty open to any suggestions people have to stay "Death Knight" style and be viable. There's so much to sift through! 

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4 hours ago, Panda Harbinger said:

Thanks! I've just been watching a ton of tutorials to help me as I go lol. 

As far as how I envision my army playing, I'm still not totally sure. I'm trying to learn the ins and outs of the game, but I'm as new as new can be to Warhammer miniature games, so it gets a little confusing as to where to start learning and all of that. The only minis I have committed at this point would be the StD guys and the GUO. I read that if I go Maggotkin Nurgle I should get a Harbinger of Decay, but not sure how to make that mini fit the concept I'm going for. I'm pretty open to any suggestions people have to stay "Death Knight" style and be viable. There's so much to sift through! 

That’s a shame because that would give some direction. Okay some random thoughts:

whst about marauders? In game they are amazing whichever way you go. For your look you could green stuff a fur cloak, a great skill to learn early and would fit your look. Or go looking for alternative models. A lot are available that would make great Nordic marauders. 

I actually think your paint scheme and style would look great on the harbringer of decay. It’s just the horse that not really fits. Maybe a regular horse or a drakespawn would work. If you google miniature bits shop, you can find shops that sell parts. Which would be an easy way to get a different mount. Just don’t know what will fit best.

biggest thing would probably be just to play games ASAP if competitiveness is important. Even if it’s on tabletop simulator, just with empty bases or borrowed models. It will give you an idea what you are missing gameplay wise. 

if painting is important just go with what looks good to you. You’ll likely spent more time painting than playing so make sure that is fun.

oh, also get a chaos sorcerer. It’s rules are great and he has enough armour to fit your look. 

belakor is a deamon Prince with great rules. Check him out as well. 

looking at nurgle I would probably get a start collecting first. It’s relatively cheap. Together with the STD start collecting and the GUO you al have enough points to play some games. And blight kings in your style would look great. With the hanging guts a red as a contrast to the blue and white ... 😍

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2 hours ago, Kramer said:

That’s a shame because that would give some direction. Okay some random thoughts:

whst about marauders? In game they are amazing whichever way you go. For your look you could green stuff a fur cloak, a great skill to learn early and would fit your look. Or go looking for alternative models. A lot are available that would make great Nordic marauders. 

I actually think your paint scheme and style would look great on the harbringer of decay. It’s just the horse that not really fits. Maybe a regular horse or a drakespawn would work. If you google miniature bits shop, you can find shops that sell parts. Which would be an easy way to get a different mount. Just don’t know what will fit best.

biggest thing would probably be just to play games ASAP if competitiveness is important. Even if it’s on tabletop simulator, just with empty bases or borrowed models. It will give you an idea what you are missing gameplay wise. 

if painting is important just go with what looks good to you. You’ll likely spent more time painting than playing so make sure that is fun.

oh, also get a chaos sorcerer. It’s rules are great and he has enough armour to fit your look. 

belakor is a deamon Prince with great rules. Check him out as well. 

looking at nurgle I would probably get a start collecting first. It’s relatively cheap. Together with the STD start collecting and the GUO you al have enough points to play some games. And blight kings in your style would look great. With the hanging guts a red as a contrast to the blue and white ... 😍

Actually, that gave me a few ideas! I know it's hard to give advice when it's still very nebulous. The Chaos Sorcerer is prime for being made to look like a WoW lich, like Amal'thazad. 

I've been looking at the Blight Kings, I think they're the perfect Abomination addition. 

Someone had told me I could use skeletons as marauders in local play, I would just have to get a specific base for them and let my opponent know what they are. I've also had my eyes opened to kitbashing, which I had no idea was a thing! There are some really cool Harbingers of Decay that have been kitbashed. 

Belakor could super easily be added in, so I'm looking at him too. Man, so many choices! And if I end up slowly accumulating all of these over time, I'll have things to swap and try out!

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9 hours ago, Panda Harbinger said:

Actually, that gave me a few ideas! I know it's hard to give advice when it's still very nebulous. The Chaos Sorcerer is prime for being made to look like a WoW lich, like Amal'thazad. 

I've been looking at the Blight Kings, I think they're the perfect Abomination addition. 

Someone had told me I could use skeletons as marauders in local play, I would just have to get a specific base for them and let my opponent know what they are. I've also had my eyes opened to kitbashing, which I had no idea was a thing! There are some really cool Harbingers of Decay that have been kitbashed. 

Belakor could super easily be added in, so I'm looking at him too. Man, so many choices! And if I end up slowly accumulating all of these over time, I'll have things to swap and try out!

also look at the cool chaos warbands and monsters from warcry. There are some amazing models there that might fit your look. 

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