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Aethervoid Pendulum's interaction with Umbral Spell Portal



Hi guys,

I'm trying to figure out if the Pendulum does  ''tick'' damage after being set up within 6'' of the second spell portal and 1'' of units.

So the idea is to cast the spell portal & pendulum in my territory. Have the pendulum move and let it get ''sucked'' in by the portal and have it appear on the opponent's territory.

The rules for the pendulum states: ''After this model has moved, each unit that has any models it passed across, and EACH OTHER UNIT THAT IS WITHIN 1'' OF IT AT THE END OF IT'S MOVE, SUFFERS D6 MORTAL WOUNDS.''

So my reasoning is that since it has ''moved'' what ever inches in my territory and got sucked in by the portal. Having it set up within 1'' or even base to base contact with the opponent's unit/units in their territory should do D6 mortal wounds during my turn.

Does it work this way or is the damage done before it enters the portal in my territory and not after it's being set up. Even though it ''technically''  has moved before being sucked in by the portal.





Edited by Kiyda
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Umbral Spellportal teleports endless spell if it finishes it move within 6". Then after spell has finished move it is set up again on the other end of portal. So Pendulum won`t do any damage on the other side of portal (in that turn).

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I haven't checked any recent FAQs, though if we played and this happened, given the rules as written I'd allow your Pendulum to do damage after it went through the portal to any of my units within 1" of it, as it is not moved again once it came out near my dudes.

This is just what I'd allow though, unsure on exact ruling for this.

Edited by wander
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