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Need help choosing a city :)


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Hi @Icefighter, welcome to Cities of Sigmar! You've got great taste :) 

The three units you've listed at all stalwarts, and perform pretty well as part of an army from pretty much any city, though Pistoliers become battleline and gain a battalion option with extra special rules in Tempest's Eye armies.

Beyond that, just go with the city you like the look/feel/rules of the most, though be warned before going for Greywater Fastness, the Phoenicium and Anvilgard, as the popular view is that Hammerhal, the Living City, Hallowheart and Tempest's Eye are the better/more competitive cities.

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With that starting core, you can easily expand into any of the Cities. The question becomes if there's a particular color scheme you like more, or if one of their playstyles is more appealing.

Hammerhal is about generating command points and using them. Tempest Eye is generally a Turn 1 alpha strike, moving fast with the saves bonus out the gate, though it also has strong support for a gunline style army. Living City lets everyone be a Shadow Warrior and ambush, great for suddenly making a Steam Tank appear exactly in the wrong place for your opponent. Hallowheart is the Good Guy version of Tzeentch: More spells than you can shake a stick at (and remember as a Cities army, all your Endless spells are always Empowered!).

The other three are more... niche. Greywater is like Tempest Eye in that it has good support for a gunline, and is the only city to have extra prayer options for a potential Runelord. However, what Greywater really likes is artillery. Phoenecium is a city that provides easy access to healing and regeneration while also rewarding you if a unit is destroyed. Anvilgard is... Anvilgard. It looks like a Dark Elf/Privateer army, and it does give them battleline hydra/kharybdis as well as curses for them. The downside is their abilities generally just aren't as strong as the rest (and you could probably get more mileage from Darkling Coven/Privateer units in a different city).

Anvilgard is probably the only one I wouldn't recommend, but you can make the rest of the cities work, especially with a versatile starting point like you mentioned.

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On 2/29/2020 at 4:29 AM, Ironblaze said:

With that starting core, you can easily expand into any of the Cities. The question becomes if there's a particular color scheme you like more, or if one of their playstyles is more appealing.

Hammerhal is about generating command points and using them. Tempest Eye is generally a Turn 1 alpha strike, moving fast with the saves bonus out the gate, though it also has strong support for a gunline style army. Living City lets everyone be a Shadow Warrior and ambush, great for suddenly making a Steam Tank appear exactly in the wrong place for your opponent. Hallowheart is the Good Guy version of Tzeentch: More spells than you can shake a stick at (and remember as a Cities army, all your Endless spells are always Empowered!).

The other three are more... niche. Greywater is like Tempest Eye in that it has good support for a gunline, and is the only city to have extra prayer options for a potential Runelord. However, what Greywater really likes is artillery. Phoenecium is a city that provides easy access to healing and regeneration while also rewarding you if a unit is destroyed. Anvilgard is... Anvilgard. It looks like a Dark Elf/Privateer army, and it does give them battleline hydra/kharybdis as well as curses for them. The downside is their abilities generally just aren't as strong as the rest (and you could probably get more mileage from Darkling Coven/Privateer units in a different city).

Anvilgard is probably the only one I wouldn't recommend, but you can make the rest of the cities work, especially with a versatile starting point like you mentioned.

There are a few winning tournament list of Anvilgard in fact.

But the play style and unit is very unique. (like all are Blackdragons + Chariots)


So if you are new, you should go for more general units and you can mix and match and play around the cities

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