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Goblins for chaos!


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This is a bit of a theoretical question that passed my mind...

As I was conceiving what battleline units for my upcoming Azgorh/Brayherd army, and was disappointed to find that there aren't any non-faction battleline in Azgorh. It made me wonder, though, that the Azgorh compendium has the option to take the Goblin Warboss and Goblin warscrolls, I suppose now from the legacy scrolls section. 

Since these don't have the CHAOS keyword, I'm wondering where they stand in Matched Play - where you're only allowed to take from one GA. For the sake of Azgorh armies, do these two warscrolls count as dual alliance?

They aren't anything gamebreaking so I'm sure that one would be hard pressed to find an opponent to contest it, I was curious on opinions as it seems like a rules grey area.

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