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What is the primary terrain feature named Wyldwood in the GHB 2019 errata?



Hopefully this hasn't been covered elsewhere, or if I haven't missed the official statement.

In the errata for the GHB 2019, it looks like they replaced Citadel Wood with Wyldwood as an option to select as a primary terrain feature. Now, I can't find another reference anywhere, as to what Warscroll is named simply Wyldwood that you would use. This isn't the Awakened Wyldwood they're calling out and I can't find anything saying that they've changed the basic Citadel Wood model to a Wyldwood (as would be my likely assumption). This isn't keyword bold either. The GHB is listing a warscroll that doesn't appear to exist. Can anyone point me to the official word on what they're referring to when they say Wyldwood since I can't seem to figure it out, or is it still unknown?

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