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First time Painting a Monster, Maw Crusher

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Just got into Age Of Sigmar and working on my first army. Working on finishing touches of a 2000 ironjawz army. Had up and downs at the start of army with painting but took aim this weekend at the Maw Crusher and here it is.  Overall I am proud I got the mount done in two days and was my first monster or large thing I’ve ever painted besides boars :) 


might change those  arm blades and maybe try add something to make wings pop out a tad more, if anyone has advice. 





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9 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

Great start to Monsters!

Thanks ! Going finish up the rider here but I was intimidated but was not bad. I’ll def look into how to do bone next time. But getting a army which is painted on board is main priority and get the basics of painting down like dry brushing and layering a bit, etc.  Just touch ups and few things and will have a fully painted 2000 ironjawz army. Took two months but I’m happy even with mistakes. Onto the next soon. 

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