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Hey! I'm Ray.  I'm out of Chattanooga, Tennessee in the US.  I've been procrastinating around with the hobby but finally bearing down and starting.  I've started on my Gloomspite Gitz and have 10 Squig Hoppers mid paint.  I enjoy forums so I googled popular Warhammer forums and this was one of the top 10.  I had aspirations of making a lot of wonderful colored squigs but I think I'm going with a standard theme since this is my first foray into painting.  

Thanks! Forum is set up very well.

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13 minutes ago, Gitz_Ray said:

Hey! I'm Ray.  I'm out of Chattanooga, Tennessee in the US.  I've been procrastinating around with the hobby but finally bearing down and starting.  I've started on my Gloomspite Gitz and have 10 Squig Hoppers mid paint.  I enjoy forums so I googled popular Warhammer forums and this was one of the top 10.  I had aspirations of making a lot of wonderful colored squigs but I think I'm going with a standard theme since this is my first foray into painting.  

Thanks! Forum is set up very well.

Welcome to TGA.  It's a truly friendly, helpful place in which to discuss this great hobby.  Working on Troggoths myself at the moment.  You may find when the contrast paints come out (soon) that having different coloured squigs may become a bit easier to achieve, but keeping it simple when starting out is sensible. I still have many of my earliest attempts and it's good to look at them now and again, if only to see the progress I've made over the years (not that I'm particularly great now :)).

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