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Escalation League need help with my Mixed Order


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Okay I'm in an escalation league and we are about to jump from 500 point to 1000. So far I have won all my matches but I know alot of armies scale better at higher point values and we got a LOT of players playing Skaven and LoN.  (Think there are also a few playing then new Slannesh book)

I'm running mixed order and we are allowed to change or lists between games but we do have to stay the same faction. I'm playing GA: Order for mine. 

My 500 point list was Seawarden, 2 Highbourn bolt throwers, and 20 High elf Spearmen. (No one was really expecting the bolt throwers) 

Now for 1000 points I'm planning on 

Tenbral Shard w/ Sword of Judgement

5 Reavers
5 Reavers

Highbourne Repeating Bolt Thrower
Highbourne Repeating Bolt Thrower

War hydra
Khinerai Heartrenders

Thoughts and Suggestions? 

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