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Final Fantasy 6 display project for Armies on Parade 2019


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I was chatting with my local GW manager recently regarding finding motivation to finish projects, and he pointed out something kind of obvious but that I hadn't really considered before: 'I want an army that looks good on the table' isn't necessarily a particularly strong motivator to get stuff finished (at least not for me). Anyway, we got to talking about having concrete goals and deadlines and how that can help and he brought up Armies on Parade, which he is already working on himself for 2019.

I decided that would be a good goal for myself also, and preparing this early gives me plenty of time to finish up a display to a good standard. Coupled with the fact that I've been trying to improve my painting recently, I needed an idea which would give me the chance to paint a range of different single minis, which would also keep the motivation going compared to painting a ton of identical rank-and-file.

So, I have decided to act upon an idea which has been burning away in the back of my head for quite some time - a display based on one of my favourite games of all time, Final Fantasy 6. I recognised quite a long time ago that the Necron Deceiver model from 40k would make a great base for a Kefka conversion. I have nearly completed the conversion, with just some more detailing on the hair to go before gap filling and basing.KefkaWIP01.jpg.8437edaa88101e40ec38743c46a2ad1a.jpgkefka.png.642bf96442915dcf2da5f7302011eb01.png

I haven't fully fleshed out what the completed display will look like, but model-wise I would like to include all 14 of the playable heroes from the game. I am planning on giving each character a small AOS lore snippet to be included in the display, tying the characters into the Mortal Realms. 

So far, I have purchased the easy to build Castigators (SCE with crossbows) and am going to use the bare-headed chap as Edgar Figaro (I have added a tassel of longer hair). I want to keep the conversions as simple as possible and am trying to stick to kitbashing over attempting to sculpt anything. Any ideas of Citadel models that would make good bases for converting the other characters would be appreciated, here is what I have come up with so far for the others:

Shadow: The Dark Elf assassin model should be great pretty much as-is, perhaps I'll swap out the knives for shurikens. The gryphhound from the castigators set will stand in as his dog, Interceptor.
Setzer: Someone at my local club is giving away some models and I have laid claim to a 40k Commissar model, which should be a good base for this conversion.
Gau: Since GW don't make child models, I am tempted to interpret this one more liberally, perhaps a Fyreslayer would make a good starting point.

Thanks for reading and I will share all of my progress in this thread!

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Hello, I haven't played FF6 but I found your Kefka conversion looks pretty good!

One thing though, these demon wings are placed behind the angel ones on the picture, and I believe it is an important detail as:

- they're over shadowed by the angel wings

- It gives subtle hint on the deceptive nature of the character I believe, like is really clean and well groomed aesthetics are in fact hiding a demonic nature

'might be wrong though...

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