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H: Stormcast W: $$$, 30k/HH [US based]


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Hi Btown,

Possibly looking to part with my Stormcast. As seems to always be the case, varying stages of built, however not much paint on any of these. See pics, but most is bare or primed if assembled.

The Stormcast lot:

Vandus Hammerhand (Dracothian lord)
Lord Relictor
Gavriel Sureheart
4 Knight Incantor
Lord Arcanum on Gryph
2-4 Vanguard Palladors (not pictured), can’t remember but know I have some, NoS
15 Vanguard Hunters (might have 5 more)
3 Vanguard Raptors (longstrike)
3 Ballistae
10 Crossbow Judicators
~20 Liberators, 11 built, rest just need assembly (in the reddish box in pics)
10 Evocators
40 Sequitors (mix of weapons)
5 Retributors (two need built/finished)
2 Dracoth Cavalry (NiB, not pictured)
6 Castigators

(Also think I have a Celestant and Aquilor but not including in price! If I find them they’re yours!)

Retail - $1210
Asking - $600

Pics of everything I had handy - https://polishlightning.weebly.com/poli ... -stormcast 

I’m mainly looking to sell, but I would trade for some 30k stuff, or consider a mixed cash/trade scenario.

In terms of 30k interests, I’m starting into Thousand Sons, so really anything for them. However, I only plan to use Mk. IV and V armor, so not too interested in Mk. II or III. I would consider them as part of lots but not if it’s the majority. Also, I strongly prefer FW not GW stuff.

In particular, off the top of my head, things I’m looking for:
Sicaran (any except for the Venator and Omega)
Whirlwind Scorpius
Mk. IV Marines - Tactical, Heavies, Specials, Assault...really anything. Prefer unbuilt because I’ll be adding 1k Sons heads and shoulder pads
Caestus Assault Ram
Terminators (both armor varieties)
Anything Thousand Sons specific

Anything else or other unique stuff feel free to offer. I considered Iron Warriors and Emperors Children so I’d entertain their stuff too!

If you’re interested, or have questions, please PM! I can check into stuff I’m not sure on if they’re deal breakers!

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