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Death Monster options


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It really depends on what you mean by 'best'

The Mourngul is a real tank and able to soak up a ridiculous amount of damage BUT doesn't deal a lot of damage out itself

Whereas the Terrorgheist (Flesh Eater Courts variety) with the 6 mortal wounds on a 6 to wound has the potential for the highest damage output of our monsters followed closely by the FEC Zombie Dragon.

The Terrorgheist heals whereas the Zombie Dragon doesn't.

"Best" is a very subjective word

Waaagh! Skullcrack iz comin fer ya

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The Necrosphinx is another tasty option as it has a reliable first turn charge. 4 -3 rend, 3 damage attacks. Plus the halving wounds mechanic. It's the best one if you have lots of wizards, since they can then use a spare spell to heal it D3 each turn (which is effectively doubled). 

People overestimate the Mourngul - its damage output is good but not great, it's not fast and unlike the 100 point cheaper Bastiladon - it doesn't have a ranged attack that is autowin against Daemons.

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