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Graveguard, A Thing of the Past for LON?


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I've seen some excellent mathhammer on these forums, and while GG still wear buffs fantastically, their cost remains difficult to fit into an increasingly mobility dependent game. Their lack of resilience was compensated for by having proper screens but with the advent of Grimghasts and other NH units it seems that a single use tool like GG are easy to omit in lieu of something more multi-purpose.

It's worth mentioning that GG are one of those units that excited me early about Death in Age of Sigmar. "Elite" skeleton foot soldiers that just hammer the enemy and synergize with our spells and buffs? Awesome. Exciting skeletons... high praise from a Liche like me. My early lists included them as often as possible. Heck, they're probably the reason I gravitated toward Legions of Nagash (because battleline) early and got me crafting LO: Night w/ Deathmarch builds. Then I'd play with them and feel rewarded for my decision. Every time I got that counter-charge it felt great. It felt punishing. I'd even watch battle reports and wait for that moment when the Graveguard would dunk on someone.

Eventually though my excitement diminished as I tried to cram more and more stuff into my own lists. "Well, I'm playing with Nagash today. I don't think I can fit a proper unit of GG. Siiiiigh." Then they announced the change to summoning in 2.0 and all I could think is, "mah bois are back!" You mean I can do the counter charge trick and basically use them to screen with themselves and then bring them back again?!?! What value. GG EZ.

The sad reality is as I've experienced AOS 2.0 more I find them EVEN HARDER to put in lists... and then I read nighthaunt warscrolls. My question(s) is simple:

How are you using Graveguard (if at all)? Where do they fit for you in 2.0?

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