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Filthy rotten Nurgle


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So I’m gonna start off with a quick update which is the majority of my order arrived, waiting on my brushes and I’ve ordered a few more paints aswell. So as of right this second I have a squad of five Putrid Blightkings and a Lord of Blights assembles they will be getting primed with death guard green in a few hours. So now I’m considering my next purchases... I realise I need to get the battletome but I feel that can wait a little longer. Another unit of Putrid Blightkings will be a certainty. I’m toying with the idea of some marauders or chaos warriors given the mark of Nurgle of course but I don’t know if this would be worthwhile, I was thinking there numbers would be advantageous but I dunno. Would it be worth having both a harbinger of decay and gutrot spume, they both seem as though they would be useful additions but I could really do with the advice of somebody more experienced, how do they weigh up against each other etc? I absolutely love the model of Festus Leechlord however when I looked at his ‘rules’ I was a little underwhelmed, is he as disappointing on the battlefield as it appears? Just to clarify I’m just going to be getting mortals, for now anyway, will probably be tempted to get some daemons eventually but not as of yet. No doubt the urge for a Great Unclean One will be overwhelming eventually. Definitely going to get a Glottkin sooner or later, literally the coolest of all the games workshop models in my humble and uneducated opinion....

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I like Festus a lot.  A Blades caster with relevant abilities is neat.  Warriors are great battleline tax for running shenanigans like Thricefold or Archaon bombs or what have you and also just for good old fashion objective holding.

If you build an army around them Marauders are insane, a Harbinger of Decay, Glottkin/GUO/Blades/Warshrine that kind of jazz.

I think I’m mosty alone in this opinion but Blightkings are extremely “meh”.  

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Blight Kings have been the backbone of my army for some time. 

Their recent wound update is a huge boon.

In small packs of 5, they excel at taking side objectives, sneaking into flanks, or holding yours. It takes a lot to move them. 

For front line units, go for 10-15. They can take a beating and with their Bravery/banner, they rarely run. 

Festus is great, his ability to heal and cast is not shabby. I think with a bale-wind (+1 spell) he'll be great. he can de-buff the enemy's armor. For nurgle, that's huge (we lack significant rend) 


Good luck and good hobbying!

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