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Hi all - new to the TGA - it's good to have found a new forum for discussing my favourite hobby!

I've been painting GW figs on and off for about 25 years and I've been out and back in again a few times. I most recently started painting again about 9 months ago and am only now getting roped in to playing some 40k again.

I used to be a hardcore Iron Warriors player back in the day (3rd/4th edition) - y'know, when you could take a Basilisk and Vindicator in the same list... I recently sold off that army on eBay, much as it pained me, with a view to starting some new collections.

I have about 2000 points of Stormcast put together for AoS which I'm slowly working my way through painting up. 

The first models that I ever collected, my first love and which I will never, ever sell - are Chaos Dwarfs.

Yes - I'm one of those people. I currently have around 40 - 50 models from the original range which I have stripped and am in the process of repainting to use as part of a mixed Legion of Azgorh / Khorne Bloodbound collection. I have no idea if that is competitive or how it will fair in the new edition, but it's rule of cool and not many people are going to be expecting to see the big hats on the table! ?

I've attached some of my recent painting!

Looking forward to being part of what looks like a fantastic community! ?







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2 hours ago, Chrisdanish said:

Wow, some great painting there @tamthethird. I really like the head conversion on the second palladors, where did you get that from?

Hope you enjoy your gaming!

Cheers mate!

I'm doing up a whole Stormcast army around the hunters theme - so lots of fur cloaks and bearded faces.

The heads (and some of the cloaks) are from the old Empire knightly orders sprue - specifically the Knights of the White Wolf. Middenheim is making a comeback!

Here's what they look like on one of the Hunters - 


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