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Stormcast battalions



Hey guys. 

In the Stormcast Battletome there are a couple of battalions that allow redeployment - the Vanguard Wing and Hammerstrike Force in particular allow you to redeploy or deploy units within a specific number of inches from units of prosecutors. 

Apart from the above, I don't see any restrictions of how they can be deployed. I mean, can I deploy a unit within 3" of an enemy unit?

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There was a previous thread on this. Possibly on TWF. Thankfully it has been specifically ruled (in the logical way, i.e. no restiction stated so do what you want - there's no general 3" rule).

For completeness, GW have ruled it to be that you can set up within 3 inches (published FAQ page 2):

Q: What is 'set-up exactly?
A: 'Set-up' is typically when a unit is placed on the table
during deployment, but can also refer to a unit being
deployed in a location other than on the battlefield,
or being put into play once the game has started (a
unit using the Stonncast Eternal Warrior C..hamber's
Lightning Strike, the Chameleon Skinks' Chameleon
Ambush, or the Treelord's Spirit Paths ability, for
example). Models can set up within 3" of the enemy,
even if they are set up in the movement phase, unless
noted otherwise in the rules for the ability that allows
them to be set up once the battle is under way.
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