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Ogors 2000p list with ten orruk boyz

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I've made my army list for the tournament next week with some of Open War cards. I honestly don't care so much about to winning just because of the strongest army, all I want to play is to have fun. However, I found I think this army list would be powerful because of the syngres thing. Take a look at my army list:

Overtyrant as general, Ravager 160p
Frostlord on Stonehorn, Hammerblade 460p
Huskard on Thundertusk w. Blood Vulture 380p
Huskard on Thundertusk w. Blood Vulture 380p
Butcher w. cauldron 140p
Butcher w. cauldron 140p

3 Ogors w. Pairs of Weapons 120p
3 Ogors w. Iron Fists 120p
10 Orruks w. bows 90p


I'll tell you what I'm thinking about my strategi with this list. Overtyrant will be general to use his command ability which allows to bribe the enemy (if you don't know what his command ability do, please take a check at the app!). He will support Frostlord on Stonehorn with his bribe, if the enemy is attacking to the lord then enemy will subtract 1 to hit. With Ravager it will increase from 50% to 66% to success with Rampaging Destroyers which is a most important part for this army.

Frostlord on Stonehorn, he has become nerfed for crying people's sake.. anyways he is still good at some point. If he keeps alive with his supports and hopeful to get +1 or +2 to hit will make him a lot better. He is also too fast to charge and attack the enemy. With his artefact Hammerblade will replace his Kicks and Punches, if you know what Hammerblade does, so that all (friends or foes) within 3", roll for each model that is within him (thinking about his big oval base), on 5+ the model suffers a mortal wound. So if he charges into the big horde unit, it will be fun.

With 2 Butchers with their cauldrons, I hope they will get the roll of 3-4 to get +1 to hit, it will be picked to Frostlord. One of them will cast Mystic Shield on him so that he has save 2+ instead of 3+. Others, they can cast the Maw spell and Arcane Bolt if it needed.

However, two Huskard on Thundertusks with their ability has chance to heal a BCR unit with D3 if you has rolled 3+. They will priority on Frostlord on Stonehorn, also themselves if their Frost-wreathed Ice has become worse, you surely know what they can do..

3 Ogors with Pairs of Weapons, the small unit to fight some units or as support. 3 other Ogors with Iron Fists are more for defend, my though is that they should try to find the cover to get +1 save so that Iron Fist ability will increase. Just if, they will also get mystic shield then they have save at 3+ and also 4+ for the ability if the attacking unit has not rend.

10 Orruks with bows, they are this force's next meal if they didn't do well. Anyways, I use them just because they look fun to use as slaves for Ogors, they will try to defend for the Huskards, Butchers or Overtyrant. I've though about gitmob Grots but never mind, I don't have time to buy more models and painting them.

So you see, Frostlord on Stonehorn will be the "solo tank" and trying to defeat the almost whole army, while I have some threat units for my enemy player!

I've uploaded the picture, I'll paint them soon ;)  So what do you think about my though about strategy?


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