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Deep Strike has been hit in 40K, when in AoS?

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Is there really any significant grouping that thinks GW has put out a fundamentally bad rules set?

Sure we all have gripes - the fact archers couldn't shoot in 2 ranks until 8th was frustrating as a WE player because you had to either pay twice the cost for shots on GG or have 10-model, 1-rank lines on the table.

There hasn't ever been anything that was a deal-breaker though.

The problem with GW isn't so much the rules but the context into which they drop them. AoS - really good system and probably a necessary move, but losing Fantasy was a bitter pill I'm sure lots of us still feel. 8th edition was a great rule set but the shift to huge units created a fatal barrier to entry for new players.

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23 minutes ago, Kamose said:

I know, right!  If we're really lucky they post videos of it on Youtube for us to all enjoy.  Break out the popcorn, grab the kids, and watch someone throw a temper tantrum, destroying their own property!  I'm a huge fan!  :D

Deep Strike in AoS isn't as big an issue as in 40k since since most DS units are trying to charge and only become reliable with (multiple, stacking) buffs from characters who may or may not be able to DS themselves.  The majority of nasty shooting in AoS is from units that can't or don't need to DS.  Alpha Strike is possible but not reliable and that's a key difference. 

Its unfortunate but the "best" way to win any game is to simply prevent your opponent from playing.  For some people the desire to win supersedes their opponent's enjoyment and they will use any tactic regardless of how much fun it sucks from the game.  I just wish the rest of us would call that what it is.  Unless you're playing at the top tables of the biggest AoS tournaments fighting for the title of "Most, Bestest AoS Player", its not really a "valid strategy and everyone else should get gud".  Its actually and technically known as being "rude", and "inconsiderate", and a  "a selfish [very naughty word]".

TRUTH! How nice to finally see someone else say what I've been spouting off about in my local store for ages now. Especially  since the power gamers aren't content to take their shenanigans  just to the tourney, but feel the need to "practice" and hone their skills on poor schmoes who simply want to throw some dice. 

Now, I'm not saying that I haven't put together a totally filthy list or two9_9 but, I am saying that people don't always have to play every game as if it's being telecast on Twitch.

There were a couple of dudes at the local shop who were very vocal about AoS not being balanced, because, in the beginning there were no points. 

These guys still don't play AoS. Just 40k. And now they complain about certain aspects of 8th ed. Meh......

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