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Newcomer to the hobby


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For many years, I assumed that my hometown region was too "small scale" to have a GW store, therefore meaning no local community, therefore no opponents to play against, therefore no point in getting emotionally invested. Well, I got hired at a new workplace last August and discovered one such store, my after-work bus stop being just outside. My assumptions proven wrong, I hit it off with the local store owners and start browsing.

I initially focused on purely 40k and kept my distance from the Age of Sigmar content, having heard many negative things through online hearsay. Oh, irony, for the one evening where I opened my mouth and expressed that nothing in AoS beyond "a model or two" caught my interest was the same evening I thought "maybe I ought to... well... actually give it a look." Outlook inverted once again. Nowadays, I think I'm more interested in AoS than I am for 40k, though I still like both. In fact, I'm planning to make a Tzeentch army that's playable in both games, as the local community has a much higher interest there... but I got my mom interested, so there's hope there.

Yeah, apparently my mom has taken a shine to Warhammer miniatures as well, once I introduced her to it. Even better, on the 40k front, her favoured faction is the Space Wolves, which thematically fits well with my Tzeentch focus, Thousand Sons being their rivals.

Alas, things are somewhat on hold for the time being. My mother was diagnosed with cataracts in both of her eyes, so she can't see well enough for such small models, let alone painting them. On the upside, her surgeries are booked and soon: April 11 for one, May 16 for the other. Once she's better, we'll get back to the hobby proper and do it together. :)

I'm planning to start small, the base Shadespire box being the only models I own thus far.  From there, maybe Silver Tower or the Starter Set. Mother and I have put together a big PDF of potential purchases, including models, paints, and miscellaneous support stuff (magnifying glass table for painting, glass shelves for display, that kind of thing).

Mostly been hanging out on the AoS and Shadespire subreddits thus far, but I found a link to here and thought I'd join in this community as well.

So... here I am. Again, hello.

Interested Armies:

* Tzeentch (cultists & daemons)

* Stormcast Eternals (likely to go "Knights of the Aurora")

* Khorne Bloodbound (something of a byproduct of the Starter Set, but I like a large number of their models)

* Seraphon (eternally mispronounced "Sepharon" :P)

* Slaves to Darkness (the army that caught my interest to AoS in the first place)

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