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Blades of Khorne Path to Glory


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Hello. The local game store is setting up a path to glory campaign for April and I want some critique and feedback regarding both the campaign setup and my choice in Warband units (starter and beyond). The rules are as follows. 

----------start of event rules---------

You can find the rules for Path to Glory in your factions Battletome, or in the Path to Glory rule book. Either of these options will have the basic rules for creating your warband and the tables from which you choose from.

although you may choose your Champion and its followers, you may not choose your Champion or Follower rewards – to pick either of these you MUST roll for them!

You can play as many games as you want with your warband, but you can only earn glory from the same opponent once per week.

There are two scenarios in The Path to Glory book which we will not be using. The first is “The Beast’s Lair” and this is due to the victory benefits allotted to the battleplan.
The second is “Trail of Champions” which is a 4 player FFA and I am considering using this plan as the Event finisher, which should prove to be a gongshow.

In regards to summoning spells we will be following the rules outlaid in The Generals Handbook, or your most current battletome – whichever was released most recently. We will NOT be using Path to Glory’s “You can summon additional units as much as you please” rule.

You cannot field any type of force formations or relics during the Path to Glory campaign!

Favor of the Dice Gods: If you are fielding a painted warband, which constitutes a fully assembled figure with at least 3 different colors associated to it (basing is optional), you will have the Favor of the Dice Gods! ONCE during that game you may REROLL ONE DICE that you have rolled. You cannot use this ability to make your opponent reroll a dice, and you cannot reroll a reroll.

----------end of event rules---------

The Warband I am considering is as follows. 

Lord Thraxx-Fang (Lord Thraxx and his mount/pet Fang). I have yet to decide on him being a Mighty Lord of Khorne  (Berserker Lord) or a Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut  (Berserker lord or violent urgency)

20 Bloodreavers w/ Meatripper Axes

3 Mighty Skullcrushers




Again any critique regarding my considered Warband and future choices to include init are welcome. Thank you.

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I just realized the rules state we can use the Warband tables in our faction battletombs. Upon giving the other battletombs a quick look (wanna make sure other tombs have similar force size options) I think I am gonna go with the Blades of Khorne battletomb Warband tables and add an additional 10 Bloodwarriors to that list \o/

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