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New Ironjawz player introducing himself


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Hi all,

I am new to TGA, I have been playing since November and I am loving the game. As the header says, I is a Ironjawz. I started with the Christmas Battle Force box set so I have the following list:

Megaboss on foot

Weirdnob Shaman

Aleguzzling Gargant 

2x 5 Brutes

3 Goregruntas

and I recently added a Warchanta 

I am looking at how to grow to 2k points,

At the moment I want to add a Maw-krusha, 2x 5 brutes and Ironskull’s boys with an Ironfist battalion.


But I have also been considering dropping the gargant and adding the Maw-krusha, 2x 5 Brutes and 2x Grot Spear Chakkas with Ironfist instead.

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Make your way over to the Destruction sub forum plenty of great posts and discussions there around ironjawz (and the other destruction armies) and well worth a delve including the later posts that have dropped off the front page. 

In relation to you army choices above, a Mawkrusha is practically auto-include at the moment, but that’s fine becasue he is an excellent choice as well as a bucket of fun to play with (and an awesome model to boot). I tend to make sure I have at least 20 Brutes in every list I use but that’s because I favour their damage output over the other choices. Another option is a mega unit of Ardboyz (30) which when buffed up is a very solid choice. 

Goregruntas now at 140 pts are also very good for their points (I’d argue their are a stronger choice than an aleguzzler gargant if you were trying to be efficient only) 

the gargant is fun and can pack a punch but is relatively easy for an opponent to deal with and all Grot artillery as allies have a place if you want ranged support. 

Another excellent ally choice is the Troggoth Hag from foregwworld,she is expensive (points and cost) but is worth it as she gives magic, shooting and tanky monster all in one model. So far she has been my favoured choice personally. 


Overall ironjawz are a fun army army and a great strength is that all of their units are viable choices so I’d suggest having a play about with them and find what suits your play style and aesthetics (maybe proxy a couple of options with friends before you commit to a purchase to see how things work out) 



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Thanks a lot for the advice! I have a love for brutes at this point, especially the Megaboss With 2 flanking brute units. So much so that I painted and named my Megaboss’ weapons to match his flanking Brutes. At one stage I was thinking 6brutes 3megabosses. Hahaha. 


I will take a look at that Destruction subpage. I have already found atleast one great Ironjawz tread!

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