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Legions of Nagash: Legion of Night Preview!


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1 hour ago, Sharrankar said:

I'm not sure where to put this, so might as well throw it here, as it's the most recent topic:
What is the reason hidden behind the new Nighthaunt Spirit Host box?
It's SC Malignants and Knight of Shrouds, which does make some sense (Mortis Engine still not being Nighthaunt lol) BUT there's a... Terrorgheist there. ANY idea why?
Beasts of the grave suddenly turned ghostly? 

Nighthaunt is not an allegiance in this book. You take this stuff together because it all benefits from the legion and its all good stuff that you want to have.


5 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

I wouldn't necessarily call Zombies nerfed now, especially without knowing the points costs. They are 5+/5+ by default now instead of 6+/6+, so effectively they are getting +1/2/3 to hit and wound at 1, 20 and 40 models now instead of 10, 20, and 30. Loss of shambling horde is a thing, I guess, but not that big of a deal. It's most relevant if you are running a couple of min sized units and want to merge them into something slightly more effective, but at that point I'd rather run 3x5 dire wolves.

The fact that corpse carts are maybe not utter garbage now (depending on points, of course) is also a  net gain for zombies. 

EDIT:  Blood Knights are still showing up as the old warscroll. Not sure what to make of that.

not being able to mob up is a huge nerf. otherwise they got buffed a bit. its a mixed bag. The hideousness of their models is their biggest nerf.

Blood Knights are not on pre-order = no new scroll

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