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Greetings from the Grey Marches


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Hello Grand Alliance -  I've finally decided to step out from the shadows where I've been watching for a while (which sounds way too creepy) and actually get involved in some hobby sharing goodness.

I've been GW-ing for about 20 odd years now, though with a long break recently for various reasons. I've kept track of things over the last few years though and decided to jump on the "new year, new hobby" bandwagon and get some actual hobby done. I've got plans to do some AoS first and I've heard good things about the community here so thought I'd drink the Kool-aid as it were.

My hobby inspirations and tastes tend to run to the likes of PDH, Migsula, Jackdaw, Apologist, Thistle and their ilk, which is possibly a little different for the whole AoS aesthetic, but I'm excited to see if I can make it work.  AoS as a setting and model range has grown on me loads and I'm looking forward to carving out my own little realm in it.  I'm also in the process of working out how to set up a blog for hobby and some of my other writing bits, short stories etc.

Anyway, enough rambling - I've already popped an opener to my project, The Darkwood Court, in the modelling section. You might be able to tell that there will be a big narrative part to the project. Hope that's alright.

Thanks for letting me in :)

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