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Speed-painting with lots of colours?


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I'm currently trying to speed-paint an Anvilgard army (speedy for me anyway), and everything is going well except for the fact that the Black Ark Corsairs are slowing me down. The reason for this is that they have a lot of different areas and textures that require different colours to be applied, and some of these areas are very small and tricky to access with the brush (despite being fully visible when looking at the model, so they can't just be ignored). To give you some idea, these are the areas and textures I'm talking about; metal armour, trim, cloth, leather, reptile hide cloak, blades, skin and hair. So each model needs up to 9 different basecoat colours, which is time consuming in itself before you even think about washing and highlighting.

I'm looking for tips to speed up the process. Does anyone have any ideas?

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