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Hi from Yorkshire!


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Hello everyone!

One of my resolutions for 2018 is to be more serious about my hobby. “More serious about hobby”, I shall be adding that to my forum signature to remind myself. 

So, I am looking to meet more people and play more games! I am based in (West) Yorkshire and was hoping somebody here has some local-ish recommendations as regards shops or other venues? So far I have been to GW in Leeds and Manchester, where I tend to do my purchases.

In 2017 I started with about 1000pts of Disciples of Tzeentch when  they released. I love the range and consider myself really lucky for starting with such a great release. Soon thereafter, however, I hid my Skyfires in shame and readily pointed out to people that my Tzeentch force is not at all competitive. I am presently more into enjoying and improving the painting, rather than winning. So I play with Acolytes, without Horrors and no Balewind. 

For 2018 I intend to start a new and more “elite” faction, so that perhaps I can reach 2000pts.

TLDR: Hi there!


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