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I am already runnng a Nurgle Khorne Blood Bound Army, But should i add Daemons of Khorne???


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I already run an army of...

2 units of 5 putrid blightkings.

2 units of 10 plauge bearers

2 units of 5 blood warriors

2  khorgoraths

1 aspiring death bringer 

2 blood strokers

2 units of 20 blood reavers

1 khorgus khul

1 lord of plauges

and 1 glottkin

1 unit of 5 wrathmongers


I feel as if it is a great army, until I fought a four way battle between  a ranged stromcast eternals army, a deathrattle horde, and a iron gutts army. I was the firt to die because of the range!!! What gives good range or artillery for cheap point costs??? I heard Daemons of khorne was good, but they only seem to have skull cannons! Any ideas?


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Chaos doesn't really do ranged and the 4 way battle with 3 opponents having lots of shooting is probably as bad a scenario as a chaos army could face.
If all 3 opponents choose to shoot at you before your next turn there isn't much you can do unfortunately :-(

Cunning Deceiver is your friend here, along with equal parts speed and durability. 

Try to saturate your opponent with fast moving troops (chariots, flesh hounds, etc) which they will be forced to focus on while your more durable troops (Blight Kings, Blood Warriors, etc) march forward. With multiple wounds and the ability to heal Khorgoraths are a great option as well.

Skull Cannons are fun but expensive and if you want a reliable ranged threat you probably need to run a few of them.

The Wraith of Khorne Bloodthirster has a couple of high damage, short range shooting attacks while Slaughterpriest prayers have a 16" range so that could be an option as well.

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I ended up in a very similar situation last week... my friends and I have been trying out the Triumph and Treachery rules and so far we've done three player as Freeguild/Ironweld Arsenal vs Destruction vs Khorne. The first game I started in an appalling starting spot cornered by an opponent on each side. We were also using a battlemat that used a river with two crossing points which made life more interesting but also very hard to swarm the enemy en-mass.  Freeguild ripped me apart with ranged from the other side of the river while Destruction ploughed into me with heavy hitters on the far side. Didn't go well.

For the next game, I took three Skaven Ratling Guns with me. As we're only teaching the Freeguild player the game still (he's using my other army), we aren't playing allegiance abilities, so for the second game I decided to broaden out into Mixed Chaos as I wasn't getting Bloodtithe points anyway. These guns managed to take out the crew of a Ironweld cannon quickly which reduced the hammering I was taking. More crucially than that, my opponents spent so long dithering around with attempting to take out the rattling guns that it pulled their ranged units away from my big hitters. In the end, I won the game due to the distraction they caused more so than their actual damage. One of them even killed itself due to failing the special ability for 4D6 shots, and got three mortal wounds...

If you're desperate to go Khorne, Skullcannon could work, but I cant vouch for how effective it is. I would recommend the Ratling guns otherwise if you're happy with Mixed-Chaos!


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