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Stormcast List for SCGT Comp


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Hi everyone,

 I am going to be attending the Capital City Bloodbath in Ottawa, Ontario this August, and I am trying to get some feedback on a list I am planning to play. They are doing the same battleplans that SCGT did. I currently have 3 pools that I am not using right now. I am trying to stay away from Seraphon at the moment as well as anything legacy.


Lord-Celestant on Dracoth, tempestos hammer & shield

 2 Loremasters


Archmage (comfortable losing this one)

2x Retributors 

2x prosecutors 

Hammerstrike Brotherhood 

2x Judicators with bows 

2x Liberators with hammer & shield 

Carmine Dragon 

2x Flagellants 

2x Tempestors 

2x Gryphound 

2x Gyrocopter 


Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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It looks pretty good. I don't think the archmage synergizes with anything else in the list. If you have most of those units you should also consider the warrior brotherhood formation. It has similar units to what you are using but it lets them all thunderstrike. If you include the knight Azyros in formation you could thunderstrike even closer to the enemy. I have also found that single Drocothian guard units such as Tempestors are amazing in SCGT comp since you basically have to kill each one to stop it counting as a scoring unit. 

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