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Help with Kharadon Overlords


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At 1000 points you'r obviously going to have at least two unit of Arkanauts. Since you're not going to have a lot of hero options, I like the Admiral as a Generic leader option. The Ironclad might be too much at 1000 points, but the frigate is just right. I haven't had much luck with Grundstock Thunderers, but some people like them, though maybe less since GHB 2017. Endinriggers are probably useful too. I built Skywardens because they looked neat before I looked at warscrolls, but at a small army point size, I'd teke the Endinriggers.

My 1000 point KO list, which is not exactly what I'd do if I were starting today( I literally bought the units one at a time when they came out then decide what I'd do for an army) is:

1x Arkanaut Admiral

2x Arkanaut Company

1x Grundstock Thunderers

1x Arkanaut Frigate

1x Grundstock Gunhauler

I take Barak-Zilfin allegiance(they are painted that way too) and usually put a unit of Arkanauts on the Frigate and deep strike it.

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take at least 3 unit of arkanaut.

instead of the Gunhauler, take a endrinrigger unit and or a skywarden or a navigator. You can then have a bigger unit of arkanaut 20 model with 6 skyhooks, and a unit of 10 to embark on frigate. I like to arm the 10 men...ahem duardin unit with skypike, to be a close combat deterrent . As first pg and general, you can take the admiral ( go up front with the 10 m..duardin embarked) or a khemist for long range support from the 20 arkanaut with skyhooks ( 12 shots of these begin to hurt...) . Endrinriggers are the first choice close combat unit of kharadron

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