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Please help with the next purchase


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Played a few 1000 points with Ironjawz under the old General Handbook.

Till now I had:




10 Ardboyz

5 Brutes

3 Gruntas


Now I want to expand. In the old book I now I would go all Brutes and a Krusha. But now I am confussed on what to buy.

So heres what I was thinking:


Megaboss on Krusha (this is a must, no problems here)


15 Brutes


5 brutes

another Getting Started Ironjawz Box, getting another 10 arboyz to build a second unit, and 3 more Gruntas


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Honestly every ironjawz player should have 20-30 brutes painted and ready to go to give you all the options in the new ghb2017 book in fact life goals should be 

1-2 Mawkrusha (maybe one as a Gordrakk standin.)

2 foot boss

shaman (maybe 2 but I can't see you fitting 2 in realistically over say a goblin shaman for 80 points  as a mystic shield bot) 

30 Ardboyz 

30 brutes

9 goregruntas 


this will give you all the bodies you need for a good few options then you can expand from there for crazy lists (18 goregruntas or 60 Ardboyz ;-)

edit: forgot the 2 warchanters ?

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18 minutes ago, Method said:

Thats how it will probably end, but for now I'm on a budget ;-)

Simples then get the Krusha, 5 brutes and start collecting box that will give you a total of 1980 (2060 if you include the second chanter) and therefore a few options in regards to formations and army selections 

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