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Old armies compendium


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Hi all. A friend of mine started AoS , but he noticed the free dwarves PDF just vanished and now has been replaced with the new update . Does this mean he cannot use anymore the old dwarves? All the stats are gone, this is a bit confusing.


Can anyone explain what is the current situation with the old armies ?

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with the GH 2017 it is true that the old dwarf compendium has been replaced by a new compendium with adapted rules and point for thenmodels that are not being rereleased for Age of Sigmar.

you can check the new compendium true this post https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/08/25/new-and-updated-faqs-forge-world-warscrolls-and-compendium-pdfsgw-homepage-post-1/

also check the dispossessed army. Most of the old dwarfs are in here.

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You can use the older models and compendiums if that is what you both agree to.   You don't have to use the matched play points, etc unless you want.  If it's more fun to use the old compendium go for it.

Do whatever is most enjoyable!

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