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1000 Points Nighthaunts


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Hi everyone,

now I have the new GH I started thinking about my Nighthaunts.

I haven't played till now because I had only a little bit of time. But now I will finished my army.

At the moment I have 3 Spirit Hosts, 5 Hexwraiths, 2 Cairn Wrath and 1 Tomb Banshee.

I created a list to look what I need to purchase.

What do you think about the list?


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I don't think black coach is that useful in smaller games. It needs about 3 buffs through it's ability to be worth its points value and getting those with just 2 wraiths/banshees is very rng-dependant. Otherwise I don't see your list being too bad (but it's not like there's much choice there for units anyway).

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I am no Nighthaunt expert, but the black coach still seems woefully out of place. Unless you've got a ton of heroes on the field to (potentially) boost it up, it seems rather lackluster.

I would play to the strength of the new deepstrike/null deploy of nighthaunt. Lots of heroes (unless you have a mourn) and just pop up tarpit/objective units where you need them. Put everything but 1 wraith in reserve, go 2nd (so your opponent moves and unblocks the 9" range).

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34 minutes ago, Equinox said:

Would the hexwraith unit be better served as 2 x 5 vs 1 x10?  

Agree w/ others that the coach is out of place.  Would another unit of hosts be a better use of the points?

I had better luck with hex's in small batches (5) and hosts in 6-9. Use the mobility of the hex to cap and harass. Getting the fly-over attack is actually harder than it sounds with that long base :|

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