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Mostly Grots II - the belated yet thrilling conclusion



I'm sure you're all itching to know whether or not Gordrakk got his 700 points cost back over my 6 games at Blood & Glory.

The first five battle reports are here:

After five games, the list had proved its mettle against some rather tough lists (3 Mixed Destruction filth lists, Mourngul death list.

My Nasty Skulkers had shredded 2 Stonelords in game one; a Husktusk and nearly killed a Stonelord in game 3; and a Stonelord and another Stonelord and Husktusk in game 5 - not bad going. The big man (Gordrakk) however, had only managed to kill 300 points in 5 games:  

Gordrakk Cumulative Kill Index = 300 points

Game 5 against Darran Palmer had represented my last chance to turn it around and sneak up to the podium - I gambled on an initiative roll and didn't get it (rather than retreating for a guaranteed minor on Take and Hold). Gordrakk rather fittingly was killed by other Gitmob Grots.

Day 2 - Game 6 - Gordrakk YOLO

I was in a great mood though, as the game against Darran Palmer had been so awesome. I went across to the new table and burst out laughing when I saw that yet again I was up against a Mixed Destruction filth list commanded by Paul Haley. The list was quite similar to Paul Whitehead's list from game 2, something like:

  • Stonelord
  • Thundertusk (with riders)
  • Thundertusk (with riders)
  • 40 Arrers within Kunning Rukk

Ominously, there were two pieces of Damned Terrain on one half of the table and Paul won the roll off for sides and naturally chose that side. I concluded that with the double Damned Buff plus Bellowing Shout, plus Destruction Move, anything in range (which is colossal) would be deleted by a single volley of pew pew.

I decided that YOLO was the only answer.


I knew I would be able to determine who went first. Paul thankfully put down his Battalion first, so I knew where the Arrer Boyz would be. He put the regular Boyz in front of them, but I reckoned that Gordrakk could probably get within range of the Arrers with a charge. I plonked him down in the centre.

This time I put the Green Nasty Skulkers in the Wolf Riders, the Blues in the Greens and the Reds in the Blues so that I could snake behind Paul's lines and stab his Big Boss to death to take out the Kunning Rukk buff. The Wolves faced off directly against his Stonelord and Thundertusk, who were chilling behind some more regular Savage Orruks.

Battleround 1

It was the usual drill. I fired off Gordrakk's Command Ability on the Battalion. I think I managed to cast Mystic Shield on Gordrakk, but failed Sneaky Stabbing on the Wolves. The Wolves sauntered up and fired some shots into the Stonelord, chipping away the first wound. The Grots advanced, determined to YOLO as did the Wolfboss who took on the right Thundertusk.

Gordrakk didn't get very far with his Destruction Move and I was left with an 8" charge. Gordrakk failed the charge. Sad times.

The stabbing went a bit better, the Thundertusk on the left went down, however I grossly overestimated how many Nasty Skulkers were needed to kill the Big Boss (only has a 6+ save apparently). He died 3 times over, while the Stonelord clung on with a few wounds left. Only one of the Grot Units and the Wolfboss made it into combat on the right and did some damage to the other Thundertusk.

The Stonelord decimated the Green Skulkers in response.

Then it was Paul's turn. 

Paul double Damned the Boyz (I believe that the Champion was the general and he added a further +1 to hit with Bellowing Shout for a cumulative +3 to hit and made them immune to Battleshock). There was no hero phase shooting with the big boss dead, but that didn't matter a jot with 40 Arrerboyz. With the extra rend vs Monsters, Gordrakk was decimated along with the Wolf Riders. It was complete carnage.

I limped on, but it was all over from that point. Paul got the Major. We had a good chat afterwards! Paul Whitehead was on the adjacent table and they knew each other well. Word spread that club mate Max was winning against Terry Pike on the top table - which was awesome news (especially since this was his second AoS tournament).

It was an ignominous finish for Gordrakk, but I was still pumped from the event. If I haven't said already, the atmosphere was buzzing.

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Final thoughts

I came 24th in the end - I chose to gamble for the Major Victory in game 5 instead of taking the safe Minor and that was the consequence. I was pleased with the list - it had worked well even against seriously strong lists.

I killed and crippled this lot:

  • 2 Stonelords in game two;
  • a Husktusk and crippled a Stonelord in game 3;
  • another Stonelord and Husktusk in game 5;
  • a Thundertusk and crippled a Stonelord in game 6.

More importantly (for it is He!), Gordrakk only managed to kill 300 points across 6 games:

Gordrakk Cumulative Kill Index = 300 points

A lot of this was down to the match ups, which forced me to use Gordrakk as a reserve or second wave. However, his inconvenient base size, inability to claim cover or hide behind anything that isn't the size of a Skull Keep and lack of magic all point towards a cost reduction in GH v2.0. While his damage output is phenomenal and he can obliterate Wizard Heroes, it's only marginally better than that of a Stonelord with Battlebrew (which is also a lot tougher, routinely makes a 24" effective charge; and is on a smaller base). If you take Gordrakk, you have to get full value out of the Command Ability, which doesn't seem possible in a pure Ironjawz Allegiance.

On the train back, my massively overstimulated head (after 3 epic days of Hobby!) started spitting out list ideas, one of which would become #Casinostrike after a few weeks experimentation back at the lab in utmost secrecy.


Max was the only undefeated player at the event and beat Terry Pike in a fascinating game on the top table. He ultimately came third, but this was an awesome achievement! Well done Sir @grunnlock

His list and the very same models went on to triumph at Heat One in Craig Namvar's capable hands. 

Blood & Glory was perhaps the high water mark for Destruction (Peak Destruction) - pending Grot Scuttlebags...? The December FAQ took out all of their older battalions in one fell swoop, including the Great Gitmob (and thus took out my list). #LongLiveTheHoodedVillain. Nasty Skulkers were nerfed (but at least the timing of their attacks was clarified in their favour). Fanatics were nerfed (but not as much as people think - see FAQs on page 4 here, which explains the point:

DoT have brought Chaos back up to parity with Mixed Destruction, Mixed Order and Stormcast. Stormcast have received a massive shot in the arm too. I'd say it's too early to see what will be the strongest type of list at SCGT. I'm concerned that pew pew is (as I've long predicted) going to become dominant.

Spamming Skyfires with 180 points of Battleline (taking over from Kurnoth Hunters plus Hurricanum Mixed Order) is going to become the meta (which is seriously dismal for a game that should be more about melee combat and magic). Personally I'm going for 9 Enlightened (with fewer Skyfires in case I need to use them in a Battalion). Stormcast have some Traits (Shielded by Faith; Staunch Defender; artefacts - Mirrorshield; the Lantern of the Tempest; and Prayers (Divine Light), which mitigate Skyfire spam, but I doubt that this will stop people spamming pew pew filth. Raptor spam is also another potentially dismal development.

If I had to make a prediction, I'd guess that a Hallowed Knights Stormcast List with heavy amounts of Raptors and Judicators would take out the SCGT (no Raptors in the lab at the moment....), but maybe someone will surprise us all.

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