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Time for an update, isn't it?



I finally have some "real" update here!

Well, my browser actually deleted my previous message, and it was kind of long.. so I'll shorten it this time :)

I finished my 10x2 Saurus Warriors, worth 200 points! The pictures below shows the last color applied on them. I was bored at the end, therefore I left the cloth-thing behind the shield just base green, no highlight. I don't actually know how to name it in English, neither I do in Italian to be honest..

Anyway, it was a long way to completion. It is not so easy to see from this picture, but the bones took so much time. It was the first time for me trying to blend from ushabti bone to white scar, and I'm quite surprised from the result.


Maybe I'll come back on them again once everything else is done, to highlight a bit the green.

Right after those, I moved to paint a salamander - I only took few pictures of the process, but I recall the paint I used should anybody be interested :P


My blending skills sucks, therefore I will leave the red-thing as it is for now, I'll catch up it later when I had the time to practice a bit more. The idea is to shade it from red to yellow, but the few try I did gave me really bad results..

Now I'm focusing myself on a unit of 3 terradon riders - I still have to find the riders, actually, but that's another story! :P


I would like to keep the body gray, but I'm not sure how it will contrast with the yellow scales; so I'm thinking to leave the scales as they are on the wings, and change the color on the body.

Regarding the wings, I still need to highlight them. As of now, there's only a red basecoat with an orange layer, and a red shade.


Thanks for reading! As always, any suggestion and comment are really appreciated!


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