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My first tournament - High Elves at Age of 6ixmar Toronto



Last weekend was my first AoS tournament. There were 16 players (I think), double elimination-style, 1000pts, in a games shop in a Chinatown basement.

It was good fun, even though I only managed to get three games in.


I brought High Elves. I brought a list I had never played before. I've only ever played AoS with two close friends, and thought I was ready for the tournament, but I was on a losing streak right before army lists were due to be submitted. I panicked and went with something new.

I took an Eldritch Council army list:

  • Archmage on Dragon
  • Loremaster
  • Archmage
  • Swordmasters
  • Swordmasters 

The idea was to buff the hell out of the dragon with Hand of Glory, Mystic Shield, Elemental Shield etc, and use it for offence, while the swordmasters take and defend objectives. The day of the tournament, I was following along with Warlords and saw that someone took an Eldritch Council list at a tournament of that level, so it couldn't be too bad.

The first game, I lost. Horrifically.

I must have been paralised by the stench of Nurgle's rot. It was Take and Hold and my opponent had Clans Pestilins. I had the first turn but didn't pounce, instead deciding to let them advance. It was a mistake. That army had so many rules, so many spells and abilities that make those little rats bite hard. 

I'm not even sure what happened. My elves didn't stand a chance. The dragon was surrounded and fell. As did everyone else.


It was fun though.

I was determined to regroup for the next game. It was Three Places of Power. Heroes need to hold objectives. He brought Death and only one hero, Mannfred. I had three heroes, and a plan.

He went first and advanced. I went: arcane bolt to Mannfred, Hand of Glory on my dragon. Archmage and Loremaster moved towards objectives. One unit of swordmasters blocked a city street, keeping my wizards safe from approaching zombies. The other unit ran towards one flank of Mannfred. And the dragon flew in towards the other flank. Fire breath on Mannfred and then the charge. The next turn his necrosphinx made short work of my dragon, but the dragon had successfully held the now badly wounded Mannfred up. I went next and before he could run, the swordmasters moved in and killed him. I already had victory points on the board, and with no heroes, my opponent had no way of scoring. It was a short game, but exciting.



My last game was against Beastclaw Raiders. The game was Blood and Glory and he only had about 10 models, so I thought I could perhaps out maneuver him to objectives. It started really well too. I played aggressively with the dragon, taking out Yhetees and Beastriders with no issue. The dragon eventually fell, but that was okay. It was the rest of my army vs his hero. I just had to kill him, or at least stay alive until the fifth battleround and control at least two objectives. Easy, right?


Well, it wasn't easy. His big bad beastie charged up and down the board, taking out my units one at a time. My archmage was the last to fall. No one could stay hidden or take its charge and we were quickly removed from the board. Game over.

It was a really fun, fast paced day. The games were swift and everyone friendly.

I am used to playing Ellyrian Reavers, Bolt Throwers and Dragon Nobles, but enjoyed the Eldritch Council list.

I think the Archmage might have been a waste of points. With only 1000pts, there isn't many saves to cover with his Elemental Shield. Taking the Archmage on Dragon was excessive too, the tome and casting two spells was not needed, and neither was his spell Drain Magic. The cheaper Drakeseer would have been sufficient. But the points saved don't quite add up to another unit of Swordmasters, so there isn't much flexibility with the list.

Next time, I think I'd go a little different, but keeping the units that worked. Drakeseer (340) and Loremaster (100) because that Hand of Glory spell on a dragon is deadly.  Ellyrian Reavers (160pts) for missile weapons and maneuverability, spearmen (80) to cheaply fill the other battleine slot. Swordmasters (200) because they were pretty good. And a Blot Thrower (120), mostly because I really enjoy blasting things from a distance.

Still not sure how High Elves can stand a chance against those Pestilins rats or that Beastclaw thing. Any ideas?

[Photos via the Age of 6ixmar tournament organiser on Facebook]

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