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The RealmBeast



The Red Gobbo rode atop the Sky Kraken as they searched the Realm for the fabled Realmbeast. The Red Gobbo was certain that with a few tricks he could capture the beast as long as he and his army were not ambushed, captured or killed by the others searching for the same thing.

In the distance he saw a swirl of sand and smelt the stench of Death and knew he had found his target. Signalling to hit scouts to advance he rushed to the RealmBeast only to find other were approaching. Ghouls, Deathless Minions, the hated Khadron Overlords, strange Tree-Creatures and following of Gork and Mork in the form of Ogors and Orruks.

The Red Gobbo, Sky Kraken and his scouts quickly advanced and begin trapping the Beast. He knew he could stop the Beast from moving if only he and his group worked hard enough, and did not engage with the others who sought to hurt, or help the Beast.

With the Traps laid, and the Ghouls and Trees approaching from either side the RealmBeast suddenly lurched, and stumbled forward bringing his scouts in contact with the enemy... and war erupted. Whilst the Red Gobbo concentrated on Traps, others attacked the Beast and it moved every closer to the Red Gobbo causing difficulty for his followers of Mork. The Orruk advanced from the opposite side, whilst the Khadaron seemed to struggle with the winds as explosions ripped through their strange vessel. Before long his Giant was dead, and the Red Gobbo was amongst the sandstorms setting the last of his traps.

Suddenly, the storm abated and he could clearly see Arach-Mork his shamanic controller of a huge Arachnarok spider... as he watched a large frost ball descended on Arach-Mork and he and his spider disappeared from view - their control over their limbs gone and the sandstorm taking command. To his right, Grubnik, his giant was fighting ghoul creatures and hitting the Realmbeast in his eagerness. The Red Gobbo screamed in anger as the giant fell squashing sand, Horrors, and RealmBeast alike...

... but things were getting worse and the Sky Kraken was under attack from a forest beetle, the like of which he had never seen. The Sky Kraken's limbs flung out and hit the creature, but a great blow forced it into the sandstorm of the RealmBeast and it too disappeared. Alone with the Beast, with Grots far away and unable to help the Red Gobbo let out of scream of anguish as a Sandstorm hit him and carried him off his feet. His last memory of a red tentacle wrapping itself around his body.


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