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About this blog

Age of Sigmar is casually dismissed in some circles as just a beer and pretzels game.  And while it’s true that it can be loads of fun to smash it up with your mates over a pint, it is also true that beneath the surface lies a wonderful, dynamic and challenging depth.  This blog is an attempt to use theory (from Greek, thea “a view” + horan “to see”) to explore this depth, and to invite others to do the same.  Let’s kindle an interest in an under-developed aspect of our hobby.

Entries in this blog

4. Who's the Beatdown?

Who’s the Beatdown? is probably the most iconic piece of MtG theory ever written.  It has proven exceptionally fertile as the ideas within have been grown, developed and re-harvested again and again over time, and ported out and across all kinds of other game systems to varying degrees of success.  It is not perfect.  It is not scripture.  But it was one of the first on the scene to look beneath the surface of the game and emerge with something truly fundamental, important and consistently relev

Lemon Knuckles

Lemon Knuckles

3. Housekeeping

So in the last entry, we threw out some provocative statements and introduced a lot of terms in a way that seemed counter-intuitive to some people.  This time around, I want to do a bit of house-keeping and tidy things up by unfolding these concepts a bit more fully and hopefully bring them into sharper focus.  These concepts are important for what we are going to be doing, and if we ever do end up “doubling-back” (as one commentor cautioned me), then it will be less a regression and more a synt

Lemon Knuckles

Lemon Knuckles

2. Your Units Cost Points but they have no Value

Nothing like a provocative title to kick things off.  But sometimes the most important theoretical tool is the sledge-hammer.  Sometimes old ideas have to be dismantled in order to create space for new points of view. Part of what I’m going to say grew out from the soil of discussions like this one.  At stake in that conversation (which turned surprisingly passionate; so much so, that the mods had to intervene and yellow card the group) is the question of the relationship between a unit’s p

Lemon Knuckles

Lemon Knuckles

1. Introduction: Why Theory, and Why Should I Care?

There is a surprising dearth of theory regarding Age of Sigmar.  I’m not sure why that is exactly.  There’s certainly a lot of effort spent on list building.  There’s a lot of effort spent on finding combos and unlocking synergies.  There’s time spent on “creating a plan.”  There’s time invested on computation aimed at solving very specific problems (aka math-hammer).  There’s even a good amount of discussion about actual tactics and tactical play.  But there’s next to nothing about theory.  I s

Lemon Knuckles

Lemon Knuckles

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