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About this blog


Welcome to my blog detailing my explorations in designing terrain and various other hobby related items and 3d printing them.

Also no doubt cropping up here and there will be some of my painting and thoughts on what else i'm working on.

Entries in this blog

Mausoleum & Memorial

My first model, the chapel in my previous blog  (link), had been quite a large model and while it had been a fun experience from which I learnt a lot it seemed like it would be better for the next steps to try something a bit smaller with a lot less parts. The first of these was a memorial model that was still relatively large so it would block line of sight. This was made in 3 pieces as shown above in order to make it manageable to print on a variety of print bed sizes as well as maki



Chapel & Introduction

I did Architecture at university not long ago and as part of that I started to experiment with the possibilities of getting my models printed rather than the traditional methods (and familiar to anyone that makes terrain) of mountains of foamboard, knives and creating a big mess with glue. Being a poor student I ended up only getting one printed at a local business I found online. Not needing (or being able to afford) a large model and not being familiar with the best way to get it printed I sen



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