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A tale of a Seraphon Star-Host.

Entries in this blog

Nature Stirs

The Seraphon have a bunch of angry tree friends to fight along side them. The Sylvaneth are suffering from this unnatural winter created by the vile Skaven and awakened to reclaim their home within the realm of Life again. I'm not sure yet how large this force is going to be yet. Dryads, with a Branchwraith, a Treelord and probably a Treelord Ancient. I used the winter scheme from the How to Paint Citadel Miniatures Dryads book. It's ridiculously easy and fast to paint and the result looks



A New Constellation Appears

Hello everyone! Welcome to my little blog here on the Grand Alliance Community. I’ll be using this as a army blog with WIP shots but also artwork, fluff and perhaps some batreps. To start this off, a little introduction about my love for the Seraphon. You’ll all be known with the childhood love for dinosaurs. Well, the same goes for me. As a kid I was big fan and was a collector of anything dinosaur. Many years later I got a Games Workshop 2006 Catalogue from a friend, the Lizardmen ra



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