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I am a paradox - both grumpy old gamer and useless noob all in one fat, hairy package. 

Entries in this blog

Test done.

Plaguebearer test piece done and happy enough that it looks ok, is quick and easy enough to replicate. Likely to get a little more finessed as I get more practice.



Plague it again, Spam

One of the things that appeals to me, as a new player, about a Nurgle Daemon army is the fact that the choices are limited. I think that I stand the best chance of learning how to use the army with the minimum number of additional or special rules.  This does mean there is a risk in spamming a particularly useful unit type but at the moment, I don't know what they are! I have started toying with the planned flesh based paint scheme and have sourced some nice alternative models for the



Fatman Begins

I have been a gamer for over 30 years but have never owned a painted fantasy army. WFB put me off in the days of overpowered magic and I never found a way back. AoS looks like that way.  Just signed up to play at Sheffield Slaughter, I need an event to get me off my ****** and painting. Played at lots of Malifaux events over the last few years and hope to have as much fun playing AoS.  Got 2 armies so far, both need painting. Seraphon and Nurgle Daemons. Thinking that Nurgle will



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