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Garys Hobby Ramblings... also see https://therulesofone.blogspot.co.uk/ whenever i get my lazy ass into gear.

Entries in this blog

Ogroid ho!

Got this guy done this week - lovely model   pain in the butt to pain those  tatooes tho! Also got a game in vs the infamous Mark Wildman - it did not go well. I have a feeling that going from a hyper aggressive Overlord army to a very defensive chaos list is going to cause some mental clashing of gears



Progress so Far!

So heres the progress so far: Gaunt Summoner   Converted sayl (the only model left over from my previous mixed chaos army) The oft summoned herald The 1st 5 of the warriors The converted marauders Summonable  Plague Bearers   On the painting desk atm is the chaos sorcerer lord and an Ogroid too (a juicy little variant of my list swaps sayl and the spawn for the Ogroid for a true 1 drop ) 



Getting the Fatesworn Swagger

Hello - My names Gary - you might of seen me kicking about in the Aos tourney scene for the past year after bailing from 40k after 15 ish long years.   Anyway Aos has got my hobby juices flowing for the 1st time in a loooooooong time, so i thought id blog my progress. Im trying to get this list (or a close variant to it) all done up pretty like for Blood and Glory in November - im no amazing painter but im giving this army a jolly good English try. Allegiance: ChaosChaos Lord



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